Originally Posted by Clem

In the 2000s I had some muscle-joint issues. After one appointment, I was given a wad of Vicodin in little "sample" packages and told they could help manage the pain if I needed them. And then if I ran out just let them know, because it was easy to get more. Kinda scared me how easy it was.

I tried them. LOVED them. A legal way to "take the edge off" was nice. And then I threw them all away because I knew I liked them too much.

When I got the Big V, I believe the doc prescribed Percocet or gave me five or six tablets. Can't remember. But I had it "in case I needed it." Took the Day 1 dose. Flushed the rest. I enjoyed it too much.

Sweet heaven above, that's some easy stuff to get hooked on. It's no wonder we have a national crisis and I really hate it for the families who have had to go through it, either with prescription or street or both.

I had a similar experience as a teenager with a simple wisdom tooth surgery. They gave me a pile of pills, I wound up flushing them all although it wasn't because I enjoyed it. At the time I was pretty stress free so an afternoon staring at the wall didn't appeal to me.

A few years later I went to the doc during turkey season with a regular ol' cold of some sort because I wanted to get back on my feet chasing those birds and not coughing every 30 seconds. They gave me a whole bottle of hydrocodone cough syrup (purple drank ala jamarcus russell) without so much as a word about the addictive effects. I took the first dose and loved it so much I contemplated going back for more, but wisdom won out before I became yet another casualty. It was amazing what they'd just hand you a decade ago.

Last edited by JSOG47; 02/15/18 01:32 PM.