The 6.5x55 is a real sweetheart. It's a shorter long action round, so you don't have to worry about magazine clearance if you customize your bullet seating depth like in the SA 260.

I tend not to go with the crowd, and when I found that model 70, I had to have it. I smile when people ruffle their feathers about the CM being around for 10 years, arguing that its not a fad. How about owning the original 6.5... the swede ... a cartridge that has been time tested for over 125 years.

This round is much like 257wbymag's favorite 6.5. Loaded ammo is not on every shelf, and when you do find it, often it's expensive. And the swede factory loads leave a lot to be desired (see my explanation above) with performance. But if you roll your own, in a strong modern action, you can send bullets downrange at similar velocities as those neophyte 6.5's can, and every time you pull the trigger you're participating in a rich and storied history.

You gonna pull them pistols, or whistle Dixie?