For the record. I've never thrown a dog in the river. Its like an urban legend. I don't have any hunting dogs. I do know a lot of dog breeders. I'm only suspicious of one of them. I'm sure stuff like this goes on. But that ain't a "dog hunter" thing. They say it's same principle as putting cats in a garbage bag. People do it so technically they ain't killing it, guess it helps them mentally or something, I don't know. Just something I read. To me it ain't to far removed from folks that shoot folks pets. That's why I said it. So now y'all ask all the other dog killers in this thread the same question y'all asked me, with the same conviction. Why don't you hold them accountable.

I've never ever knowingly killed a puppy, or ever caused one to die, that's the gods honest truth, I put that on my momma!


For without victory, there is no survival