After having read these threads the one line that I keep seeing over and over is "I try to do everything I can to keep my dogs off other people's property, the key word here is "TRY" They set out to engage in something that they KNOW that they ultimately have no complete control over from the very beginning. Then when it actually happens and the dog is running on someone else's property they think that the fact that they "TRIED" to keep him on their own property releases him of any kind of liability and that all non dog hunters are the ones who have to "get over it".....because "I TRIED ". I am a still hunter and I COMPLETELY control every aspect of WHERE I hunt and HOW I hunt. I wonder how dog hunters would feel if I happen to cross their property line and hunt on THEIR property, and my reason for doing so was well....."I TRIED "...........

Mathews DXT
Remington 30-6
Remington SPS 7mm08