Originally Posted by Out back
I never could count points, or measure spread, from a treestand.
I'm not in a club, so it's really irrelevant to me, but I would suggest a simple rule.
Just say "outside the ears", for example.
On our land, we have two rules.
1. Have fun
2. Be safe

Those have always been our rules too, but after reading this thread I better understand how old and out of touch we are. The current generation of deer hunters LIKES having a lot of rules. I'm starting to understand that the dcnr is just giving them what they want when they think up new hunting regs.

I sure hope that the gotta mount it rule doesn't become the law. I've never mounted a deer and never will. I'm really not sure if I'm in the minority on this, or if I'm in the majority but most people that think like me don't post in deer hunting forums.

Deer hunting is definitely different than what it used to be. Good hunting to all.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.