Well fellas. I’m sorry for my lack of production this year. Our place did not have the bucks it had in the past for various reasons and ones That should be fixed next year. I am positive they will be. I went on one meat hunt this year and seen a spike and a yearling that couldn’t of been 50 lbs. I was looking for a big slick. I hunted with bow all season and actually drew on three bucks and two were just a tad to late. They could of been the same deer since it was in the same tree two afternoons in a row. The third was on a decent 8 that I saw coming a ways off and was ready. I could not get him to stop in my window to shoot. When he did stop, all I had a shot on was his guys and back hams at 35 yards. I let him walk to hopefully see again. Saw one other great buck that morning and he got to about 65 and peeled off on another trail. It looks like my season is done. I was gonna hunt today but my two year old got the squirts and I had to sit out. He seems to be fine now but looks like I’m not gonna make it out in this rain this afternoon. Don’t want to get wet bow hunting and ain’t seen enough to make me warrant it.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

My phone screen does not always work right, usually a lot of misspelled words....

Need Help Posting Pics for Aldeer--
