I'll tell you what I like about the fanny pack more. One it is smaller than my old backpack so I naturally carry less crap. It still fits, range finder, thermacell, extra thermacell packs, binos, compass, pen, WMA maps, calls, wind check stuff, gum, snacks, water bottle , tree hooks and gutting knife kit. if I have an extra jacket I hook it to the climber or loop it over the fanny pack strap when on. I can wear it over my shoulder in the front or on my backside. Probably my favorite thing about it, is when I'm up in the tree I can strap it around the tree trunk at seated head height and have all my stuff right there easy to grab. My backpack I had to either have a hook or place it on my foot rest and take up room. On more than one occasion it fell from the tree from me trying to move in stand or grab something out of it.

I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore I believe in work, hard work. -George Petrie (1945)