Just posted a thread on a miss last night. Well not really a miss, but I didn't recover the deer. That was my 3 shot on a deer with a bow. Started bow hunting last year. Dropped my first 2 (a 6 pt buck and a doe) and found them within 30 yards. I have been working it hard this season with no shots. Finally got one last night and definitely had buck fever. Been hunting that 8 pt for a month. I was puckered up tight. Biggest issue was the buck quartering slightly toward me. So not a perfect broad side shot. I rushed the shot for sure. Had the right wind to let him come by to a much better quartering away shot in front. But it was a thick area with only 2 or 3 really good open lanes. I grunted him to a stop in the best one. Going to have to think long and hard about that angle of a shot. Definitely takes out the margin for error. Trying to decide if I will even hunt again this season. Looks like Redstone limited out on bucks yesterday, so no doubt I will see a monster 10 pt if I go back in LOL.

Great thread. This is good therapy after last night!