What are the other specs on the Bear? By that I mean what draw length is that 50# rated at?
Also, what is your draw length?

The reason I ask is that 2.5# change is a general rule of thumb, definitely not an absolute. You have to consider brace height as well. For example, One of my Widows draws at 62# @ 28”. If someone wants to by that bow and draws 29, and the most effective brace height for that bow is 9, I would say 62#/(29-9) which would give me approx 3# per inch.

To answer your question on the bow, yes starting lighter and focusing on form is the general advice. I say general because if you are really strong, pulling a 50# bow won’t be an issue. My advice is go to Cabelas or Bass Pro or wherever they sell bows and draw a few to see. Drawing 50# on a recurve is much different than 50# on a bow with training wheels and consistent form is paramount in shooting a trad bow. The main thing is starting with a weight you are comfortable with so your focus is 100% on form.

I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There�s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts. � Ronald Reagan