Was that you in the new F150, there were quite a few that stopped. Had a couple stop and ask if we were stuck....as my truck is half buried in the woods, with my trailer 30 yards behind me. I found that quite funny. I appreciate you stopping, had lots of folks asking to help.

Originally Posted by RobertD
Originally Posted by chad1980

On a side note in case any of you noticed a white F350 stuck off of Hwy 5 yesterday just north of Hwy. 10, yeah that was me. Decided to turn around thought because we thought we had forgot something at camp, and the fun began. If you were one of the several that stopped and offered help, I appreciate it. Special thanks to beav521 who offered to come down from his tree, go get a tractor and come pull me out, you a good man.

Damn Chad that was me that stopped in the white F150. Never occurred to me that might have been you.