Originally Posted by Swampdrummin
Originally Posted by Johntravis89
I said I was sorry and I will apologize again! I'm sorry for doing an saying what I did. Please forgive me and let's all be friends again? I enjoy this forum and would like to continue to stay on it and prove myself!!
Happy hunting to everyone this morning!

Originally Posted by Johntravis89
I said I was sorry and I will apologize again! I'm sorry for doing an saying what I did. Please forgive me and let's all be friends again? I enjoy this forum and would like to continue to stay on it and prove myself!!
Happy hunting to everyone this morning!

Where did you apologize the first time? Looks like you’re lying even in your so-called apology. You’re too lazy to even type out what your apologizing for doing wrong to boot. Maybe you don’t even even know.

Someone hit it in on the head earlier with the narcissism comment. You see it it in his posts and everything in between. This guy is clinical. He probably choked his girlfriend because she said something wasn’t the biggest she had ever seen. Hell, maybe she just said his little boy swoop-do didn’t look cool. Maybe she just said he was wrong about the sky not being blue. I knew that once someone offered him a get out of jail free card by apologizing he would jump on it and play the seeking redemption card. What a sorry sack.

I deal with a lot of people like this guy in my profession. He’s not changing, query as to whether he is even capable. He probably didn’t get enough attention as a little boy with Dad making the fat stacks and now he’s fucked for life. Maybe he was just loved too much, spoiled, it goes both ways. It’s sad but only in the way that he is a sorry waste of life. Take that back it’s also sad for anyone who has to be around this guy including his little girl. Guys like this wreak havoc on the emotional and often physical health of everyone around them, especially their children. I see it every day.

Well somebody decided to dig up some bones. Geez man. "Waste of life"? Went a little far with that one. There isnt a soul on this site that doesnt have issues of some type. Your no different.