So a buddy and myself were hunting a piece of property about 1.5 miles from the location of the crime this weekend. I always park about 400 yards off of Willie Powell Rd. so that my truck is out of sight, I have never had an issue. So Saturday evening we are exiting the property and we stopped at the gate to unlock it and exit to the road. I saw headlights coming from my left through the trees. So I cut off my headlights and interior lights. The vehicle continued getting closer and as they got in front of us the animals in the car noticed my truck came to a complete stop in the road and I gave them about two seconds and flashed my headlights and they hauled ass out of there. If you leave your truck in sight of the road they will break into it. I always leave my doors unlocked and nothing of much value in the truck, just in case one of the idiots does walk down the road looking for a freebie.

On a side note in case any of you noticed a white F350 stuck off of Hwy 5 yesterday just north of Hwy. 10, yeah that was me. Decided to turn around thought because we thought we had forgot something at camp, and the fun began. If you were one of the several that stopped and offered help, I appreciate it. Special thanks to beav521 who offered to come down from his tree, go get a tractor and come pull me out, you a good man.