I finally connected on a buck again after a little bit of a grind the last two seasons since I went to bow hunting only - or at least 99% of the time. It's not my biggest but I'm super proud of this one. I lost a nice doe a couple of weeks ago and have been a little discouraged since.

Story: Me and Poobear went out to Wheeler early yesterday morning. We struck out in the morning and decided to hunt a different area in the afternoon. The new area didn't disappoint. We saw a few deer between the two of us but they were just too far out. I noticed this guy on his way in at about 70yds just after 5pm heading straight for my stand. I ranged a spot on the trail out in front of him at 40yds and set my HHA. He cruised right to the spot but wasn't planning on stopping. I gave him the "meh!" and he stopped dead in his tracks. That was a first for me. I let one fly and double-lunged him. He mule-kicked and ran about 60-70yds and piled up. I was pumped to say the least. The work was only beginning at that point. We ended up walking about 3 miles (not including the morning hunt) and had to drag the deer about 3/4 mile back to the truck - 1/4 mile or so was through some mud, swamp, and thick stuff. That 2000 calories lunch from Waffle House didn't last long! A big thanks to Cade for helping me get this deer out! It wasn't easy even for two people. I owe him one big time. I never would have done it by myself. It was 11pm by the time I dropped the deer off at the processor and returned home. Good times!

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