Originally Posted By: jwillinfl
poorcountry - It is leased land. The GW has been on previously. The guy he caught this time had a license, credentials and was not hunting over corn. He asked if there were other people hunting and the gentleman he found said "yes." He took his phone and went to find the other hunters. I wasn't there so I can explain other specifics. I wouldn't have put up a fight over my phone, but also agree that it shouldn't be done. In the moment though you don't want to start trouble if it isn't necessary.

Thanks for the explanation. I would think the GW was very much out of line even though it was leased land.

I probably wouldn't be quite as defensive if it didn't happen on land I owned, but I don't think I could give up my phone in any situation unless I was arrested. I hope I am never put in a situation like that.

Last edited by poorcountrypreacher; 01/21/18 12:20 PM.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.