Last year I took my son on his first hunt ever, we had a great afternoon! We ended up with 12 deer on the field and a very big buck came out at last light and ran everything around the field until after dark. I knew he was the Boss and this was his core area but was never able to get on him last season. Well this summer and into season I ran a camera on a field in a thick briar cutover close to his home. I got my first good look at him on camera in bow season and tons of pics of him.

He was seen by another member at the end of bow season and his area got hunted hard and he Disappeaerd. I figured he was gone and had been shot by a neighbor or run out of his area by pressure.

Yesterday, I hunted an area way on the opposite side of his briar Cutover. About 8 a doe pops out in the road bed and comes to 10 yards and stands there. She gets spooky and trots down and off the field with her tail tucked up under her. I grunt 3 times and a few mins later I hear commotion coming through the woods. I grabbed my gun and got ready as a very familiar rack busts out into the road. It was him, no mistaking him. He runs down the road away from me and then spins around and comes running back up the road and right to the exact spot the doe stopped at 10 yards from me. I eased my gun on him took good aim at mid chest and squeezed off a shot. He trotted off like nothing happened down into the woods. I was in disbelief.

Turned out it was a good shot and he barely made it 20 yards Into the woods.

I took him to Charles at Artistic Whitetails. He said based off his head size and jaw he was at least 5+yo and Had a 23.5" neck. his right side base was 4.5" and 19.5" long.

I thank the lord and feel blessed to have had a chance at him.

Originally Posted By: Wiley Coyote
Well, the way I see it is there's just too many assholes
On a good day there's a bunch of assholes in here. On a bad day there's too many assholes in here.