Originally Posted By: Remington270
Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
Here's a quote from the filmmaker, Christina Clusiau:

"We really wanted to shame the [hunting] industry, but then we realized it's not so black and white"

Imagine that.

The point being that, if you watch the movie, it's pretty obvious they set out to do that. The people they choose to follow, the wording they use, the way shots are framed. You can tell they set out to do a "hit job", then as they filmed and edited it, they went "well, chit.....this ain't gonna work". At least the filmmaker appears to be a little open-minded about it.

Also, spoiler alert for those that didn't watch/finish the movie, South Africa ended up allowing the sale of rhino horn.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft