Originally Posted By: Irishguy
In the last few months:

Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne: 1812-1813

This book is about the French retreat during that cold winter and will really make you appreciate a warm fire, a hot cup of coffee or a warm piece of crusty French bread with a pat of butter.

My Sixty Years on the Plains: Trapping, Trading, and Indian Fighting

Unbelievable story and adventure of a young man who matures into adulthood while fighting Indians, trapping and hunting in the western frontier.

The Life of John Wesley Hardin

"He once shot a man for snoring too loud" I never realised that he got out of prison and became a lawyer, nor did I realize that there was an Alabama connection. A truly extraordinary character.

Buddha in Blue Jeans: An Extremely Short Zen Guide to Sitting Quietly and Being Buddha


Make Your Bed

Every young person starting out should read this. And it ain't a bad read for us older folks too. Written by a Navy Seal Admiral who just might know a little about intestinal fortitude and being successful.

Two on the Isle: A Memory of Marina Cay

Spent 2 weeks on the island of Great Camanoe overlooking Marina Cay. This book was in the library of the friend's villa we were graciously offered for the extended stay. What a wonderful adventure and a melancholy ending. One of my favorite seafaring books after "Dove" by Robin Graham.


While on the subject of seafaring books... Kon-Tiki should not be overlooked.


Just finished:

A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson


It's about two unlikely buddies hiking the Appalachian Trail. Some really funny stuff and some interesting observations and insights.

Currently reading:

The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself by Sean Carroll


It's deep but way better than I expected.

Up on deck is:

Revolution by Russell Brand


I listened to a podcast interview with him on The Art of Charm and I was intrigued by the guy. He's a funny actor, but I never realized what a Zen Master type guy he is. He has an amazing story of how he overcame addiction. I gave my youngest daughter (who has struggled) one of his latest books on addiction in hopes that is would help her.

Some good suggestions Irish. My name is John Wesley also, but I haven't shot anyone (yet) for snoring. I did a build project a few years ago for someone whose name is John Wesley Hardin. I asked him about it one time and he said "my parents have a strange sense of humor" thumbup

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe