Originally Posted By: extreme heights hunter
Originally Posted By: jbc
Saying that because I don’t care for something doesn’t make them untalented makes me a snowflake?


I think that’s just become a fallback when people can’t come up with an articulate response of any sort, but whatever you say pal.

I didn’t watch any of the halftime show, didn’t interest me, but I also wasn’t upset about it enough to post my displeasure on a hunting website

Similar to your piss poor attempt at being condescending. That's your traditional fallback. You think it makes you seem educated or superior. It's kinda pathetic but if you enjoy it, carry on.

In no way, shape, or form have I been condescending in any way to you or anyone else in this thread.

I simply pointed out that just because you and I don’t care for rap, doesn’t mean a lot of people don’t care for it, and that it doesn’t make them untalented. I’m sure a large % of people on here don’t like the NBA, doesn’t mean they’re not talented.

Not sure why you are chippy about this. I honestly don’t care, and was just making a point that seems obvious