Originally Posted By: Maggie123
Thanks Fur...his arse is gone as soon as we can make it happen. He is a HUGE Black Australorp rooster and a complete jerk to boot.

I have threatened to shoot him several times but my husband keeps asking me not to do that. He wants to take him to another home and give him a chance...me, I could care less he has attacked me so many times.

Hubby is having bad back/neck problems right now, so I am waiting till he gets better to give him a chance at relocation before blowing that roosters head off...I say waiting...that bird could meet the end of my .410 before all is said and done if he grabs my damn finger again. Almost yanked my middle finger off the other day when he came at me.

my wife shot our rooster while I was on a dove shoot because he flogged my little girl. That was the hardest I've ever laughed!
Those production reds are great egg layers but the roosters are freakin mean.

Last edited by mandeerpig; 01/07/18 12:17 PM.
