Originally Posted By: Out back
Originally Posted By: Shuter II
Don't let Outback read this.......................

I'll say this, you're a thick-headed sumbeech. Coyotes are predators, and predators sometimes kill. I can see how a screaming fawn might tug at the heart strings of a girly-man but that's what happens in the real world. Mother Nature can be a cruel ol gal. If you've ever seen a deer starved to death, with a broken jaw, because some moron tried to make a head shot, you'd declare war on morons who make head shots. The fact is, neither can be eliminated, the coyotes or the morons, so we learn to live with them ... and occasionally kill one.

I'm certainly glad you have flip-flopped and realized the truth. Earlier, when you said, "Coyotes rarely kill a healthy deer or even fawns", I somehow knew you were ill informed and belligerent.

I think another thing that hurts the deer population and/or proliferation is the coyotes that eat the deer's food i.e. persimmons, muscadines, scuppernongs, etc.

When animals have no natural predators, oftentimes man has to step up and keep them in check.

Maybe now you won't try and convince otherwise.