Originally Posted By: jawbone
Originally Posted By: Canez
Originally Posted By: Remington270
Originally Posted By: IDOT
Originally Posted By: jawbone
He ran, officers caught him. The first question that has to be answered is what did they arrest him for? Running from the police is not a crime.


So if a cop walks up and says I need to talk with you and you run, that isn't against the law?

Correct. Running isn't against the law. Running from police can be used a reasonable suspicion to pursue the guy, though. And talking to the police isn't obligatory. In fact, we have a thing called the 5th amendment to the constitution that is a pesky little detail that allows us as citizens not to be forced to talk to police. EVEN if you're innocent or uninvolved with a crime or potential crime.
Our forefathers really were brilliant.

Well if the cop is placing you under arrest and then you take off they can charge you with evading arrest. Some states you can even be slapped with evading arrest if you know that person is a police officer and you run.

Not in Alabama, which by the way, is where this occurred. Now some cities, like the one I worked in, have a catch-all, won't hold constitutional muster, Ordinance titled "Refusing to Obey a Reasonable Order By an Officer". So if you run and an officer tells you to stop you broke that law. On more than one occasion I've seen that be the only charge an officer can come up with when they catch the guy.

BTW, being arrested is different. That is why the first question this officer must answer is, what was he arrested for?

Yes I know its different but when you come out from behind a closed business at night and take off full speed when a cop exits the vehicle that is probable cause for him to detain you. I think we can all agree this wouldn't have happened if he just answered their questions.

They charged him with obstruction of justice and resisting arrest. Apparently all charges have now been dropped after the media picked it up due to them beating the chit out of him.