Originally Posted By: BhamFred
Preacher, a LOT of folks were running lines before work, after work, all hours of the day and night.

I'd guess(long time ago) that probably 1/4 of the complaints I had then involved trespassing and illegal trapping. Lots of putting traps under every bridge over any size creek.

I remember good coons bringing $35. Seems everybody and their son, brother,cousin was trapping or picking up roadkills.

I'm sure you did have a lot of trouble with rogue trappers. If my memory is right, they had to pass a law making it illegal to trap on the state or county ROW. Is that right?

I know there were guys running long lines of 100 miles or more that would set on the ROW, or just off it. I remember somebody having a trap right on the property line about 25 yds from our gate, and I had to let one of the neighbor's deer dogs out of it. I didn't mess with the trap because I thought it was his. I found out later that he didn't mess with it because he thought it was mine. Never did know who put it out. I heard similar stories a lot.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.