Originally Posted By: Beadlescomb
All I'm saying is if the state owns it then it should be open to anyone and not just the people that get drawn. It'll turn into that gator hunt b.s. before long. Same people drawn every year

I whole heartedly agree with limiting the access. That is what made that property special, to do otherwise would reduce it back to average for this area.

To allow as many to enjoy it as possible, I would also like to see them look at some of the western state's hunting draws. A bonus point system to increase the odds for the next draw for those not drawn this go around. Or, if you are drawn and score, you are not eligible for the draw for two or three years. If you draw and don't kill one you have to sit out a year. Or, a combination of the two.

Bottom line...I would like to see the hunting limited and yet the opportunities available for as many different people as possible with the strong emphasis on different.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.