Originally Posted By: muzziehead
A few pics are worth a 1000 words of the what we experienced.

After looking at the OnX hunt app, it was obvious that they owned about 400 acres and leased the balance of the hunting land from Plu Creek or other lessors. The most disappointing thing was that I always felt there was a good deer population in this area near Clayton. I actually saw two deer tracks, so I least I know they have a deer. Quite frankly, if I owned the place, I would be ashamed and embarrassed to allow hunters to pay me for an opportunity to hunt there. When looking at the guest book, there was not one single entry of a hunter being there. They were all family reunions or birthday parties. The owner even admitted that when the economy tanked, he was forced to look at alternative methods of producing income, such as the petting zoo and the Pumpkin Patch. I don't fault him for doing what he has to do support his family who are all very pleasant and helpful but I do have a problem with him, in my opinion, intentionally deceiving hunters.
Should've just shot #1190

Do not regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many!