OK. First you never drive up close to where your goint to hunt. After the first weekend of hunting season the deer are patternig you. They har a four wheeler, truck utv and they are paying close attentios. So, we walk into our sets, most of the time wearing a Ghilley. This way if you happen to bump a deer you just stay still and they will not spook. Lets just say you have a heeter doe (doe in eastrus) and she is working her way to the field your going to hunt, then you drive in close to the fiels. She gonna hear that and go elsewhere. Ive actually used this as a tactic several times, but I used it in reverse. I will drive a wheeler to a field, park and then double back to an opposite field basically tricking the deer. Ithink if people took way more precautions coming and going from their stands they would be amazed how much it affests the deer. There is a reasonthey are more active in the night,its cause hunters dont take more care how they inneract during the day. Companies cant sell products about how you come into your stands so they trick hunters into buying all these silly other things. Indians killed plkenty of deer by just knowing how to inneract with the land and they just knew what worked for them.

We Just Know What Works For Us