Originally Posted By: leroycnbucks
Have you ever considered a slump buster? Do everything totally opposite of what the deer hunting gods say to do.

Get to the stand late.
Forget your ammo and bring ballistic tips.
Smell like a strawberry douche.
Make a lot of noise. Drop chit from tree stand.
Walk straight in. DO NOT SERPENTINE!
Take a chit on a well used trail.
Use Home Depot brand clorox on stumps.
Post on Aldeer instead of looking for deer.
Bring a drone to f@$k with neighbors.
Use TOPS dog food instead of corn.
Leave stand an hour before last light.

So this is what I'm not supposed to do??? Just asking for a friend... But seriously I think I can check a few of those off my list most hunts this year, I gotta tighten up