Originally Posted By: slippinlipjr
JT, I have hunted that same area you have been in most of the season. Glad I know that now so I won't waste my time there. I do know that unless you have corn drawing em in, there is a very slim chance of any buck being within bow range of that tree during daylight unless he had a dog on his tail. There are some good rubs in the bottom to your left about 3-400 yards away. The deer that cross that gas line mainly cross right next to the creek that is about 100 or so yards to your right, mainly because they will sink up to their bellies in the mud right next to that tree. I'm pretty sure I met you on a gun hunt last February. It could be someone else I highly doubt it. I didn't see you at first because you only had orange on the back of your hat and the way you parked before you walked in on me, you blocked the gate. If it wasn't you then nevermind, but if it was, both myself and Phillip would appreciate it if you didn't block the gate. Also, one more thing, the neighboring landowner had a camera stolen last year off of his property. He takes his daughter hunting a bunch right there and she likes to look at the deer pics. It pained my soul when Phillip told me about the stolen camera and that girl who likes to hunt. If you see or know of anyone hopping that fence please let one of the game wardens know.

JT just can't seem to keep his feet out of his mouth even after he tried to pat his self on the back