Years ago i knew a man who would get eggs from his chickens and use a needle to inject round up and anti freeze into them, then he set the eggs out in the areas where the coyotes were. the rest is history...

Round up has virtually no effect on mammals, it is a herbicide. Not sure how much anti freeze it takes to kill something but it IS highly toxic. Also illegal.

Never tried this myself, but heard alot of people say soak sponges in bacon grease and cut it up into pieces. Put the sponges out where the coyotes are.

Have heard this one as well. I know a lot of "plantation" managers and a couple said they have tried this one on a couple penned "test subjects" and it has no effect on the animal.

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine