1. Shelby County - mostly white and conservative voted 43% for Doug Jones. The Alabama political machine out of Tuscaloosa delivered payback for their chosen guy, Luther Strange losing. By far the largest political machine in Alabama. It continually decides who controls Alabama.
2. Record black voting impacted by getting voters out along with an estimated thousands of new voters registered felons by Soros organizations.
3. An astounding $30m spent by Republican establishment and over $15m spent by Democrats against Roy Moore who raised about $5m.
4. Fake accusations leveled against Roy Moore starting on Nov. 9 and non-stop negative ads and news media, which kept voters away from the polls and created 22,000 write in votes.

ALL THIS and Doug Jones only won by 21,000 votes.

Trump gets screwed. Roy Moore gets screwed. Steve Bannon learns a lesson on Alabama politics, a state that nobody knows because there has never been a need to study it due to its staunch conservative voting record.

It is time to go hunting.

Last edited by GmeHunter; 12/13/17 01:59 AM.