Here's the layout...

*80 acre, 8 year old pine plantation to the east
*20 acre, 18 year old pine plantation, thinned last year, just to the west of the 8 year old thicket. Fire break between the two.
*1/4 mile of power line bordering the 20 acre thinned pine stand. Greenfield on powerline with a ground blind roughly 60 yards off it.
*100 acres of hardwood/pine to the west of the power line.

One would think that setting up on the power line in the above situation would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Well, honestly it hasn't been so. We've made 4 hunts on the power line and have seen two a nice buck that my youngest son missed. That buck, along with a spike, walked out at 5:05 and we barely had enough light to see.

Camera on the plot shows 99 to 1 night time usage but I have about 7 different bucks on camera on the plot. 3 are shooters. I walked the block of hardwoods looking for sign that he might have hit the buck that he shot at and it is absolutely destroyed with scrapes and rubs. A few of the scrapes looked somewhat fresh, but most appear dormant. I've never seen as many as I saw when I walked it, and I only went in a short piece. Hardwood side is fairly steep. Pines are more rolling. Acorns all over in the hardwoods. Can see 300 yards on power line that separates the hardwoods from the thinned pines/pine thicket.

Where would you set up to catch these jokers in the daylight?

Originally Posted by CNC
Ya'll are just overthinking it now