Originally Posted By: BhamFred
PCP, years ago I was driving down 459 and the road was damn near empty of traffic. A car came up behind me going at least 20mph faster than I was, got on my azz and STAYED THERE. I sped up, slowed down, sped up, gave him the finger, slowed down. NOTHING but ride my azz. No traffic so I just stopped dead in the right lane. The dumb azz stopped behind me until I opened my door, then took off around me. I have no idea what his problem was.

I have a good friend that will run up behind a slower car on the Interstate and slow to their speed and stay behind them till I get on his ass to pass em.!!!!! He ain't tailgating but it drives me nuts.

You never know what people are thinking or doing when they drive like that, but I really hate to be tailgated when the other car has ample opportunity to pass. I thought for sure the guy the other day would pass when I slowed to 20 with a wide open road ahead, but he didn't. Then I thought for sure I could leave him when I got to, er, let's just call it pretty fast. When he got right up there with me I started thinking he was after me for some reason, and was thankful I was armed. I was glad to see him turn off behind me.

I can only guess, but I think he was on something and didn't feel competent enough to pass so he had just decided to follow the vehicle in front.

I once had another one do me the same way and I did like you mentioned and just came to a complete stop in the road. After sitting there a few seconds, the car finally went around me and it was a teenager girl. Her parents had probably given her orders to never pass anyone, but forgot to tell her not to tailgate people. I felt bad about stopping after seeing who it was, and decided I would just pull off the road instead of stopping in it. I have pulled off to let tailgaters by several times since.

As an aside, it is really hard to keep my new truck from exceeding the speed limit. It seems to have a mind of its own and wants to go fast. I have often bragged that I've never paid a speeding ticket, but I am struggling with this truck.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.