Well guys we flat out slayed them this morning. My buddy missed a giant early in the morning (he said it's the biggest buck he's ever seen , and he's been hunting his family's land here his whole life), but then his son quickly dropped a spike - his first solo deer. Then my buddy popped the doe that was with the spike. Eli and I were on the opposite corner of the property sitting under a huge oak tree back to back, with some old barn wood propped up on two sides of us for cover. I'd let him bring his Nintendo game thingy with him to keep him from fidgeting. I knew he was locked in on his game and paying no attention to his side to watch, and was starting to get a little aggravated tapping on his side and whispering at him to look up and pay attention every few minutes. Around 0845 we were starting to get stiff and bored and tempted to get up, but it was a beautiful chilly morning and I just knew that the critters were moving. I was glued in on watching my side, still a little irritated that deer may be moving on Elijah's side and we wouldn't even know it, when he whispered "Daddy, deer, deer, DEER!" I turned and saw three deer, the last one being a racked buck. We both raised our guns and shot, and the racked buck dropped right there. (I know everyone says this, but I really and truly thought my buck was bigger. I just saw a decent size rack and didn't look at the horns again and shot, thinking it was either a decent basket rack 6 or 8...turned out to be a 4). The one that he shot at stumbled but ran off, leaving the 3rd deer (a doe) trotting back and forth, not knowing where the shooting was coming from. I shot and dropped her. He and I just stared at each other in disbelief, trying to stop shaking. All this had gone down in less than a minute, after 3 hours of sitting still. We walked out to where the doe and buck were laying, and got close to them when we saw Eli's deer jump up from the dry creek bed that it had run down into. I knew it was hit so we followed it. Walked through the creek bed and coming up the other side out of the trees, saw that it had jumped a fence and got its leg twisted and stuck in the fence. The back leg had been hit hard and was bleeding and pretty messy. Elijah took his time and dispatched it quickly. Turned out to be a spike, in velvet. I told him that any velvet buck is a trophy, but even more so it being his first one. We went back to the house and had breakfast, then after breakfast while collecting the first two deer (my friend's and his son's) jumped up another doe and managed to drop it where it stood. Then found a beautiful big shed laying 2 feet from where that one dropped. This place is absolutely incredible. Beautiful land of course but the number of deer is mind blowing. We've seen multiple deer every single time we move, hunting or not. Both boys got their first buck, and we have plenty of meat now - my friend got a doe last night as well - so these last couple of sits are purely horn hunting. We've had an absolute ball here. Truly blessed. I'm doing my best to post pics but it may have to be later this evening. Service is spotty.

Last edited by mcninja; 11/19/17 03:52 PM.