Man how times have changed. 15 years ago I would have left work early and been at the club by 3:00-4:00 the day before. I'd be visiting with old friends, drinking a few cold beers, and getting ready to grill steaks. Sit around and talk a few more hours then hit the bed and hardly be able to sleep. Like a kid on Christmas Eve. The wife wouldn't see me until about 8:00-9:00 Sunday night. Then I'd do it all over again the next weekend, leaving the house after Thanksgiving dinner. I didn't miss an opening day for about 12-13 years. Now, I can't remember making an opening day for the last 15 years. My camo is piled up somewhere around the house. I'd have to look for it to find it all to tell the truth. Tomorrow I'll be going to a wrestling tournament my oldest is in. Then Sunday, it'll be church and visiting the folks. Maybe Monday afternoon I'll get in the woods. Times change and so do priorities. Good luck everyone. Be safe.

Last edited by ford150man; 11/17/17 05:05 PM.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.-Mark Twain