Originally Posted By: Mbrock
All deer don't age the same. I've seen known-aged pen deer that people would estimate at 2-3 years old when they were 10+. Sometimes once they reach that age they're just like an 85 year old man, losing muscle mass, having protruding facial features, and sagging skin around the jaw line. You gotta look at more than sagging bellies and leg lengths when they get old. That deer is definitely old.

I'm no expert but I think aging Texas deer can be difficult. They just don't have the body mass to develop the sway back, sagging belly look of an old Midwest deer. We had an old 5 pt on camera this past year at our club that looked like a fat boar hog with antlers. He survived the season.

Lots of good info in this thread.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe