Before this thread dwindles I wanted to point out one more thing about this story since its very common amongst our tracking calls. Look at how much difference there was in where the hunter originally reported thinking he hit the deer compared to the actual hit location. The original report from the hunter was that he hit it “a lil’ back and high”……Now that we see where it was actually hit……a more accurate description would be “WAAAY back! I damn near shot it in the arse!”………. grin

It’s all good though. It’s just part of it when things happen quickly and you’re put under intense stress or excitement. Sometimes we perceive things a little different than how they actually unfolded. I think police officers go through something similar to this it seems like. Always err on the side of caution if there’s any doubt at all. The most common thing I hear folks say when I arrive is….”Man. I just thought he would be laying right there dead.”…..I’d say at least half the folks believe they hit him just behind the shoulder. Our mind is just seeing what it wants to in this situation.

Last edited by CNC; 11/17/17 05:40 AM.

We dont rent pigs