Originally Posted By: Atoler
here is how I would approach it if I owed someone money and couldn't make the payment.

I'd immidiateky make a list of everything I could sell quickly. Guns, fishing rods, tools, your brothers recliner. Then list every bit of it on Craigslist asap, and I'd put fire sale prices on it.

Next, I'd go through a detailed budget and find any extra dollars that y'all are blowing now, and find a way to save them. My family would be eating on beans and rice, while sitting around the fireplace talking, because we were saving the money on electric heat, and couldn't watch anything on tv because I sold it on Craigslist. Not that we would miss the tv much, because the static was pretty boring after cutting off the cable subscription. You get the picture.

Next, I'd look at the best way to increase my income. Pick up another 1-2jobs, work overtime at your normal one, pass out fliers to clean people's gutters for $100 a pop, etc. There's absolutely no excuse for anyone in a situation like yours to be earning income for less than &0-100 hours a week.

After you do these three things, you will have the freedom to address how you deal with the truck going forward.

There is absolutely nothing fun about what I suggest, but it's time for you to nut up and take responsibility for a bad decision. In my mind, I'd move heaven and earth to pay back every cent that someone lends me. Whether it be a bank or individual, it's simply the right thing to do.

Sound advice. It is amazing the amount of "stuff" we own. I pray you do not allow pride to keep you from selling everything of value (if needed) to get out from the weight of debt.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.