Originally Posted By: Hornhntr
Originally Posted By: huntndave
Something to keep in mind if you give it back to them and they sell or auction it for 20000.00 they will come after you for the difference

This happened to me years ago. Some people think you just give it back and thats it.
I owed something like 12k on a truck and let it go back. They sold the thing for 4k
Sent me a bill for the balance and they dont offer payments for that. I didnt pay it so they garnished my wages 33 percent until it was payed off. So what i ended up paying for the truck and had no truck. It took me years to get my credit right and i will keep it that way.
If it were me i would find a part time job and make the payment. Doesnt take much to make 600 a month. You will regret letting it go back.
