Originally Posted By: SouthBamaSlayer
Is the code red comparable or better to the tinks?

I know Terry Rohm of Tink's scent, so I wont say anything bad about it. I used to use it a lot.

But for some reason that code blue and code red scents seem to work real well.

If you remember I shot A real good buck 2 years ago here in Bama using the code blue. Laid down a scent trail , and literally shot him at my scent wick.

Code Red is just like Code Blue but stronger smelling. It is true estrous doe urine.

Also you get twice as much and I like to use a lot of scent.

I drag a scent wick in and then hang it 35 yards to my side. I then put out another one 35 yards the other way and one below my stand.

That way any deer coming into me where they might wind me, hits the scent 35 yards away and curls into it. Also, if they come up behind me close..my scent passes over them and they come to my scent wick below me at 5 yards or so.

I had multiple bucks almost everyday come in behind me bow hunting during the rut this year..and even if they got a hint of my scent ( Im anal about scent proofing my clothes, scent proof shower, deodorant, etc so I dont put out much) they sniff and smell my doe in heat and it overcame their instinctive wariness I thought thru observing them.

I used to use scent from a biolgist when I was younger (in my 20's) and Ive used scent my whole life after that. Its a big tool in my tool box like a grunt call or rattling horns. I always carry all three during the rut,..however I ONLY use scent during the pre rut, rut and post rut.

Also, in Ky this year the rut was wide open. Heres an interesting story:

I was sitting on the ground the morning before I killed this one...and hear a ruckus right at first light. Here they come...buck chasing a doe. She stopped at 15 yards away, he at 30.(He was a 120 inch 8 ptr I had passed on twice with a bow, and Atlbravos had as well.)
The wind was in my face and I told atl..I could smell her bad. Stinkiest doe Id ever been near. And she smelt JUST like that Code Red!
Like putting my nose inside the dang plastic bag I keep my drag rag in..with it in there. STINKY!

So after having all those experiences just this year with it, the bucks we had coming to both our stands running wide OPEN into our scent, etc...I really like it.

First year using Code Red by the way. But when Casey went to the nearest walmart he called and I told him grab that for me. Im sure glad he did.And he gave it to me as gift.

Heck,..I owe that buck to ole foldememup! thumbup

By the way, Chase (atl) was using Tinks 69. One day he had 8 bucks come by his set up. It was pre rut, we just started using a lot of scent, and all those bucks thought we were the first hot doe. Perfect timing.

Last edited by outdoorobsession; 11/16/17 02:05 PM.