Originally Posted By: twaldrop4
What's the chances of the rifle needing to be "broke in" before it starts grouping. I know I have had rifles before that liked a little fouling in the barrel. I cleaned this one about 3 shots till 10 or 12 rounds. And then the rest I just shot 2 or 3 and let it cool.

Possibile, but I only have one rifle that needs more than 2 fouling shots to group well and several that shoot great with a clean, cold bore. One rifle which is my first gun, a tang safety Ruger 7x57, will not show it's accuracy potential until I have fired 12 - 15 shots.

Also, if you are not cleaning the barrel completely each time, you could leave spotty fouling in the bore which could degrade accuracy. What products and methods are you using to clean? Are your patches showing copper fouling after only 3 shots?

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe