I'm proud of you buddy! It was a true pleasure to be there and celebrate with you. Definitely the highlight to my season thus far!

Guys, I've hunted with a lot of different people in my 30 years of hunting. No one puts in more time, preparation, boot leather, map studying, topo reading, etc. than Matt does. When I say he's been snake bit for the past 4-5 years, it's like he jumped into a pit of vipers somewhere along the way. Literally, he has the worst luck of any hunter I've ever seen. It's actually pretty humorous some of the time. rofl

No one deserves this deer more than him and I'm as proud of his accomplishment with this buck as any deer I've ever killed. Hoping you threw that monkey all the way to Georgia when you got him off your back this morning. Here's to many more! beers

Originally Posted by CNC
Ya'll are just overthinking it now