Originally Posted By: muzziehead
Kirby is not going anywhere and we will see either AU or UA in Atlanta. I would love to play Alabama but I hope it is that booger eater. UGA played a very sloppy game, with stupid penalties and IMHO pathetic offensive play calling except for the first and last series. We never ran a power sweep or I toss sweep the entire day. Kept trying to force the ball up the middle.

I am really surprised that we didn't see Eason considering how much better his arm is than Fromm.

We still control our own destiny. AU won a game that really didn't matter in the big picture of things unless you are a Barner and know you have to win out to get in the playoffs. We still have only ONE loss and it was against the mighty Auburn Tigers, so I hope they do keep winning.

See one of you in ATlanta.

Only the games you lose are are the games “that really didnt matter”

Lone Watie: I'm glad you stopped me when you did. I might have killed her