Got here yesterday afternoon early so we decided to hunt. I was hunting a natural pinch point between a ridge and creek. I got settled into the stand and all my gear ready and sat down. After taking a couple of pics of my surroundings. I hit the grunt call not expecting anything to happen. I look up and see a nice 8 point making a b line to my stand. I looked at him and asked myself would I be happy with this buck. I said yes to myself and shot. When I did, he didn’t run but kind of trotted off with blood pouring out of him. The shot looked good but kind of low. I waited for nearly an hour and got down and started trailing. I ended up jumping him 300 yards away. I backed out and have given him overnight. I haven’t slept much at all. That shot had to have nicked his heart. Hope I can find him

"We'll the first man comes along that can read Latin is welcome to rob us,...I'd like the chance to shoot at an educated man once in my life" Gus McCrae