No problem. I hate to see guys, especially newer hunters, get frustrated with it because it’s such a fun thing to do. But as I said, bowhunting is hard. You’re going to have ups and downs for the rest of your bowhunting life. I have read 100+ books on deer biology/behavior and put in thousands of hours in the field and I still have bad mornings and bad years. For the record, bad is all relative because I’m glad to be out there regardless. That said, I know how frustrating it can be but don’t worry about all these guys every year posting pics of big bucks they kill. Basically, don’t try and keep up with the Jones’. Just learn and have fun. You can’t control everything so worry about what you can control and do the best you can with the rest. If you do that, at some point a deer will present you with a shot. That’s why I say take the first few years to learn. You may or may not get a shot (if you do that’s great). But if all you’re worried about is getting that notch in your belt, you’ll be ignoring a lot of the factors that make a bowhunter successful.

I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There�s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts. � Ronald Reagan