Originally Posted By: jlbuc10

Originally Posted By: Recurve
Originally Posted By: jlbuc10
I know my team mate just got back from there and said it sucked. EHD hit pike county real hard this year.

Are you sure? I think it was 50 some odd cases and they were mostly in Cook County. I know they had a bad case of it, but it was 5 years ago or so.

Originally Posted By: scrubbuck
Originally Posted By: jlbuc10

Originally Posted By: scrubbuck
Pulling out at 4:00 am in the morning headed to Pike Co, IL. Will have to be a real nice one in order to shoot, but there are plenty of big ones that live there. We'll see.

How the hunt go?

Struck out. Headed back now. EHD has just hit the area hard and we only saw one mature buck on the farm we hunted. Big change from last year.
We found several good ones that had been dead about a month.

Dang. I have a buddy at QDMA that usually tells me about stuff like that, but he hasn't.

I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There�s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts. � Ronald Reagan