Rapeseed, Chicory and Clover all looking good, and growing well, as are the red ripper cowpeas. They have been growing taller, but I suspect that is nearing an end. I didn't expect them to really stay as long as they did, most reviews of them suggest in small plots they get mowed down. I'm pretty well covered up with acorns, I can't step anywhere without stepping on them, so that may have a lot to do with it.

With last night's rain the oats and winter peas should get a good start on germination, and hopefully we'll be green all the way past Christmas. I'll probably throw out another round of BFO in the thin spots before the next rain. Will add pictures next time.

I'm not sure that I have gained anything from planting the red-ripper cowpeas, other than they look cool growing in the food plot. Very few of my pictures are of deer actually eating in the cowpeas, they're on the clover/chicory. I think that attempting to grow them in the summer would only shade out most anything else I'd try to grow.

Last edited by dreadpiratebob; 10/23/17 05:36 AM.