I found a nest, well, actually they found me, the other day that must have been huge. Got stung three times before I could get away. Went to the truck, filled a 32oz Powerade bottle full of gas, sneaked back and poured that in their hole leaving the bottle. 5 minutes later there was what looked like a couple of hundred flying around the bottle. Went back two days later and now they were going in and out of a new hole near the base of a pine tree a couple of feet from the still in place Powerade bottle. Over a 30 minute period I hit the new hole with a can and a half of spray from Home Depot but never did kill them all. Finally mowed, at top speed, as close to the tree as possible and called it good.

Last edited by mark; 10/20/17 11:25 AM.

Sig Sauer, to hell and back reliable.

Whatever suits you just tickles me plum to death.

Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?