Originally Posted By: mackman
BamBam32-great question. Purchased land 2005, (SE AL) got very aggressive with planting trees purchased from the Wildlife Group right away. Looking back the pear trees were the most trouble and required a lot of work and addition $'s to fight fire blight. I think I could have spent that time and money more wisely. Chestnuts and sawtooth are easy if you practice keeping the competition far away from trunk and plant no closer than 30 feet feet apart. If I could do it over I would plant on 40 feet center. It has taken my persimmons till last season to produce.
The very best practice with your new trees is the use fertilizer stakes placed two feet from trunk and repeat this practice every 90 to 120 days. Sight One sells by the box ($80.00). The best money you will spend on your tree planting. Good luck and enjoy.

Not sure which variety of trees you got but most of their pear trees are pretty blight resistant that I've bought. This is been in the last 5-6 years so maybe they've changed some of the varieties since you bought from them. I've only gotten it a little bit on a couple trees. I've always thought pears were the easiest. I planted them and protected them from rubbing and that's about it.

Last edited by CNC; 10/08/17 03:30 AM.

We dont rent pigs