Originally Posted By: Bigsob
Originally Posted By: N2TRKYS
Originally Posted By: Bigsob
Originally Posted By: N2TRKYS
Originally Posted By: Bigsob
Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
Originally Posted By: Bigsob
The only game warden there was Bill! The other two, Justin and Josh, are with wildlife freshwater fishery.

Yes, that is the district office number, who would have either said what times the hunts at the M. Barnett Lawley Field Trial area have ended in the past or given you the number for the land manager's office to seek further advice.

And what is with all this football team getting beat talk? Do ya'll not get sarcasm.....or just when you do it?

I understand that you are taking up for the guy and his hard work. All I'm saying is that none of this should be about him.

No,I wouldn't make a comment about a hunt ending depending on how I feel because of a ball game. That's not sarcasm,that's egotistical.

A simple."I'm very sorry but we can only be out here until 5:30." would have completely diffused the situation of someone being disappointed in having to leave early.

As I said also posting quitting times would have been a good idea.

What does not help the situation is telling someone "Tough,it was free,if you don't like it don't come back." You may feel that way but does that help promote the sport of hunting,this particular hunt or help young hunters in any way? All that does is discourage hunting. It seems to me that attitudes all around could be improved.

I'm not sure how you can come to the conclusion a statement like that is egotistical when the nature of it is purely defined by context, let's agree to disagree.

I will agree with you on the fact that none of this should be about Bill. State lands didn't put the hunt on, wildlife freshwater fisheries did. Mother nature controls the weather and birds, and the state controls the budget and the laws. Looks to me like Bill is the scapegoat here.

I will also agree that me saying "if you don't like it don't come back" does not help. But neither does putting all this on one man, making unfounded claims about people shooting down there outside of the hunts, suggesting that his daughter was there without a child or properly registering, and advocating game wardens breaking the law, all of which has happened in this thread. Moreover, it does not help when people at the hunt in question disregard the clearly laid out rules by shooting early and showing up late, both of which happened that day.

Forever wild lands is not perfect, but what is? I will say this though, if things like this keep happening, I don't think anyone will need to worry about voting, the state will close it down for ya, then no one will be hunting out there and everyone will be complaining about the rich man that now owns another large property and it's closed to the public.

I hope it does get shut down. That would be awesome.

Doesn't cost you anything.

Lol, if you say so.

I did say so, and until given evidence to the contrary, will continue to do so.

You can keep believing what you want, if that helps you get through the day. rofl

83% of all statistics are made up.