Hunting public land in Mississippi with a climber for 4 years throughout college I became pretty efficient with my climber. I can honestly say that there has never been an instance where there was a location I wanted to hunt that there wasn't a tree I could get in with my Ol' man. Mine is an older smaller model than the multi visions ( which are also very nice). Most peoples issues with climbers is the disturbance to deer while climbing. I would contend that you can get up a tree in a climber causing little to no disturbance; so long as you dont find the oldest pine tree in the county to shimmy up.
I could never speak ill of lock ons either. Im not very good at setting them unless I have an extra set of hands sending stuff up but im sure that comes with practice. We use both on our leases. Lock ons and ladders for permanent stands around our early season plots and traditional white oaks and climbers for fresh sign we find during the year.

IG - @_teamsouternroots_
Legacy: Planting the seeds and knowing you will never see the fruits.