Originally Posted By: Recurve
Originally Posted By: jawbone
Originally Posted By: Recurve
Originally Posted By: coldtrail
I'm the one that found out that I had a 30 year old daughter due to Ancestry.com. Thing is I would never had put my DNA out there. But my first cousin on my fathers side and a distant cousin on my mothers side did. My daughter used ancestry as a last resort. Her biological mother put her up for adoption and never told me she was pregnant. I really wasn't even sure who her momma was at first.

It's worked out though.We stay in contact. She is a lot like my oldest daughter with wife. It's almost spooky the interest and gifts that are inherited.

That's insane but good it turned out ok. The lady that gave birth to me was able to find me because of relations. It's really random and a long story but I will keep it as short as possible. My parents did the whole adoption process and ended up getting a call about me being available for adoption in Augusta GA, where I was born and lived the first year of my life. The guy who got my birth mom pregnant was also from GA. Weird thing is, my dad and his dad's side are all from Augusta so he ended up going back to his hometown to pick up his new son. What are the chances? Anyway, I think through several people my birth mom was able to figure out what family I belonged to and contacted me on facebook. I didn't reply and even blocked her because that is just not something I want to bring in my life. The first blood relative I'm going to have a relationship with in my life will be my first child.

I'm not adopted but can understand why you don't want contact. I think it is good however, that you know who birthed you just in case you need that info for some reason later in life.

Agreed. I have wondered due to medical reasons. I don't really know what's in my family so I talked to my GP and he told me I'm not the first and there are plenty of test we can do every year to catch most anything so I don't worry too much about it.

As far as ancestry, I know very little other than what she sent me in repetitive facebook messages to get me to respond. My great great grandparents came over on the boat. One side from Catania (Sicily) and the other from Stazzo (Sicily). Their kids married people from Sicily and then their kids married married Sicilians. So, I know I'm at least full blown minus whatever my birth father was. I mean, I really like spaghetti. I should probably fill out a mafia application rofl

Hah! That's exactly what I was thinking reading your story. At least you also know that if employment is needed, you are qualified for another line of work. I've been rewatching The Sopranos and thinking that I could be a good Mafia Don, except for the occasional whacking part. Sadly though, I don't meet the qualifications.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.